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  Welcome to the home page for the Molecular Imaging Physics Lab (MIPL) at Indiana University. We are part of the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences in the IU School of Medicine, which is located in downtown Indianapolis adjacent to Indiana's largest academic medical centers.

Cancer research focus
Genomic and molecular heterogeneity of solid tumors is now recognized as the primary cause of treatment failure and therapy resistance in modern cancer treatment. Emerging targeted cancer therapeutics exploit proliferation and survival pathways with specificity at the individual patient level, but the development of effective therapy is currently limited in part by a lack of understanding of spatial and temporal patterns of genomic and somatic heterogeneity, which cannot be assessed by surgical pathology alone. Our research is motivated by the need to link non-invasive in vivo imaging signatures to important cellular and molecular properties throughout the entire tumor bed and microenvironment (TME).

The long-term goal of our team is to develop computational models linking minimally-invasive in vivo image data to microscopic tumor biomarkers. Our central hypothesis is that unique characteristics of in clinical multimodal image data are associated with tissue histologic and genomic properties across space and time, and that biomarkers derived from these characteristics will facilitate effective personalized cancer therapy.

We primarily use multicontrast and multiparametric MR combined with emission tomography to measure cellular and molecular characteristics of tumors.

  Data and Code
This area allows open access to all of the MIPL Core Code and project data used in our publications.

  Collaboration Portal
The Collaboration Portal is a private area where lab members and our collaborators can share information and data. To use the Collaboration Portal please log in below to Box using your institution's email address.

  About us
  Location: Our lab is located in Research Building 2 (R2) on the IU Medical Campus, at 950 W. Walnut St., Indianapolis, IN 46202.

Parking: Lockefield Garage is located immediately adjacent to R2, and visitors to our lab can have their parking ticket validated by visiting our administrative office before leaving (R2, room E124).

Technology: R2 houses approximately half of the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences research faculty and includes a research-dedicated 3T MR scanner (Siemens PRISMA-FIT), animal surgical suite, wet and dry lab space, and meeting facilities.

Transportation: R2 is also adjacent to the first stop of the IU Health Shuttle Service. Using the Shuttle Service, it is possible to go from R2 to all other parts of the IU Health downtown campus (i.e. the Academic Medical Center) and the IU School of Medicine in approximately 12 minutes.
  • Jason Parker, PhD
  • 950 W. Walnut St., R2 E124B
  • Indianapolis, IN 46202-5188
  • office: (317) 274-2072
  • email: parkerjg at iu dot edu
Stop 1 of the IUH People Mover (RIP)
MIPL Physics Dry Lab at R2 (E112)
MIPL Wet Lab at R2 (E140)

Molecular Imaging Physics Lab @ IU